Thursday, July 2, 2015

Camel's Hump

10 miles

Last night I shared Bamforth shelter with 2 north bounders and 3 section hikers.  Decided to try out some ear plugs, it was great! I'm annoyed my alarm didn't go off, though. I would have loved to have made it to the next shelter. (Wonder if schlogging 15 miles in rain has anything to do with it???)
See, I made it!

Today I went up and over Camel's Hump, the lowest point on this map to the highest. The top is basically a bald, above the tree line. Settled in at Cowles Cove lean-to.

View from the top of Camel's Hump, almost 360 degree view

View of Camel's Hump a couple miles before I summited it.

Where I've been!
Where I am going.


  1. I love the panorama. Beautiful
    I can't wait to hear all about your adventures when I see you again.

  2. Oh just sank in...Carol has gone with you!!
    Awesome Carol!

  3. Absolutely breathtaking Camille!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So proud of you Camille! Can't wait to hear about your adventure first hand. You will be a totally different woman with different perspectives when you come off the trail. Life changing. Be careful, love you.
