Monday, June 22, 2015


11.9 miles

Breakfast in a bag.
I did laundry then hiked up John Post trail while Camille backpacked from Jay Camp to Tillotson. I would say that the trail markings could be better. I almost gave up finding the trail head up to Tillotson. The rain had caused streams to rise, and the parking lot at the trail head gave no indication which direction to go. A little Trail Magic in the form of a barking dog and lady coming out to get it, gave me a point in the right direction. I made it to Tillotson at about 5:30, to find 4 young men from Connecticut on a 4 day outing. So many interesting people, a diplomat, a police officer, a musician and a photographer. They made a fire, which seemed miraculous considering all the rain and moisture, but it was greatly appreciated. They were originally occupying the 4 bunks available, but some of us ended double bunking. Besides the champion snoring going on above Camille and I, it was cozy and comfortable.

Trail company
So I left Jay Camp about 9:15 am and backpacked across a series of 4 little peaks before cruising up to Haystack. It was a little challenging, rocky and a little wet. The day was getting away with me and it a little while longer because of mud and water. There was a trick log through a swampy area. Every other mud bog had these logs that go through it to. So I step on this log and I am up to my ankles in mud. At this point, it was, F it, and I walked right through swamp. My feet were so wet. Every time I stopped I wrung out my socks. I arrived to a campfire and mom. 

Stream bed or path? Both!
I was so relieved to see Camille! I had gone up the path to meet her but was stopped at the boggy area. Didn’t know how to get through it with out soaking feet. Fortunately, her text came through to let me know she was close. What a relief!

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